The cPanel Control Panel was indeed the undeniable frontrunner among website hosting administration interfaces not too long ago. The moment shared hosting became popular, the cPanel system couldn’t adapt to the new standards and suit the demands of the dynamic hosting market any more.

The Inspired Journey Hosting Control Panel was designed to run on a cloud web–site hosting system and can easily rather quickly be scaled any time a new capability is added. It’s really a 1–stop site management interface for managing your online presence including your domains, web sites, billing together with your tech support inquiries.

1. Domain/billing/site adjustments


The Inspired Journey Hosting Control Panel allows you to efficiently manage your domain names, email addresses and websites with simply a mouse click. That way, you’ll be able to handle all aspects of your online presence from 1 location.


Using the cPanel Control Panel, you’ll need to sign into two different website management interfaces – a billing panel from which you handle domain names and payments and the cPanel Control Panel from where you handle your websites.

2. File Arrangement


Taking care of many domains and web sites from one website hosting account needs to be effortless. Within the Inspired Journey Hosting Control Panel, every single domain and subdomain is located in a distinct folder and is 100% independent from the other.


In the cPanel Control Panel, you have a single web hosting account for your primary site and in case you want to have supplementary sites within the same hosting account, they will be included as subfolders of your primary website. This could make managing numerous sites very confusing.

3. File Manager


With the File Manager of the Inspired Journey Hosting Control Panel, you’ll get total control over the contents of your sites. You will be able to speedily add new files with a drag & drop capability, effectively change a number of files at the same time with the multi–selection option, unarchive archives in a mouse click, edit files with the inbuilt basic and WYSWYG editors and much more.


The cPanel’s File Manager will provide you with limited control over your files and folders. You’ll have difficulty uploading several files at a time and will not be able to drag and drop files since this operation is just not included. An archive/unarchive functionality is not made available either. File updating applications are also minimized in number.

4. Freely available Gifts

Image If you’re seeking to get more for your investment, then the Inspired Journey Hosting Control Panel is the best solution. It comes with free bonuses that are calculated to cost over $1000. You are able to employ the Web Site Installer Tool, Web Application Installer, Framework Installer, Free Site Building Tool and you’ll have access to a huge range of 100–percent–free layout themes.

Each individual website hosting provider supplying cPanel decides on its own exactly what no–cost gifts to to use in your cloud hosting package. And also, since cPanel is a commercial Control Panel, the free extras should also be paid by the hosting company. This will undoubtedly affect the cost of your web hosting package, so the free–of–charge bonus tools listed in your plan will in fact be paid.

5. Control Panel Speeds of Operation


The Inspired Journey Hosting Control Panel has been created utilizing the newest web related technologies. In this way, it employs fully the potential of your web client and Internet connection to enable you to handle your web sites fast. In our comparison tests, when performing similar tasks, the Control Panel scored 3 times quicker speeds as compared to competitive control panel solutions.


cPane is compiled to be installed on a wide selection of platforms utilizing different hardware set–ups. As a result, it isn’t 100% optimized to operate on a specific system, which might have damaging effect on speeds and stability. Moreover, It could be even sluggish at times of high hosting server load.

6. Multi–domain name Control


The Inspired Journey Hosting Control Panel provides you with a one–of–a–kind option to handle a lot of domains and websites from one intuitive user interface. Domain name management is effortless and switching to site operations means you simply need to shift to another section of the Control Panel interface.


The cPanel Control Panel keeps different elements isolated – you have to manage your domain names from one login area and your websites from another. Each website possesses its own Control Panel. Handling many different websites from a single Control Panel is also possible, but could be puzzling simply because all extra domains will be stored in the folder of the primary domain name.

7. Control Panel Menu


The Inspired Journey Hosting Control Panel is admittedly easy to browse through. You’ll have a very useful top navigation menu, through which you will get to every part of the Control Panel, without needing to return to the main page each time. In addition, we have included a simple stats module on the home page, so when you sign in, you will have an overview of exactly how many website visitors have recently arrived at your web site.


Inside the cPanel Control Panel, the main page is the only place that includes links to the numerous sections. Should you go into a menu and wish to immediately switch to another, you’ll have to get back to the home page and browse further from that point. This type of navigation can easily slow your work when you need to instantly execute a number of tasks simultaneously.

8. Demo Control Panel Accounts


With the Inspired Journey Hosting Control Panel, we have designed a full–featured demo version for you to have a look prior to sign–up. You’ll have access to an evaluation shared hosting account from which you’ll be able to set up e–mail addresses, use web apps, generate brand new sub–domains, and build a website using one of Inspired Journey Hosting’s site constructors, and so on. If you like what you have come up with – you you can easily register through the demo interface and keep anything you have created up to now.


Through the demo account of the cPanel Control Panel, you’re able to solely become familiar with look and feel of its interface. Most characteristics are inaccessible and you cannot in reality navigate away the home page. With many website hosting vendors, you will be granted ability to access a normal cPanel demo version, and will never have the option to look at the Control Panel you will actually be using to manage your sites if you enroll.

Rather than just learning about the Inspired Journey Hosting Web Site Control Panel, you can easily take a look at our own Live Demo to see yourself how simple and easy site administration may very well be.

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