Using our Site Optimization Instruments, you can easily build up your site’s global recognition straight from your own Web Site Control Panel. With the Sitemap Generator you can get a detailed sitemap for your site in minutes. You are able to send the sitemap to search engines so they can crawl your web site as fast as possible. Furthermore, via the RSS News instrument, you can add frequently kept up to date content on your site, which is actually a warranty for better ranking positions with search engines. Our GeoIP re–direction application will assist you to direct customers from a certain place to a special language variation of your web site for more precise targeting results.

A Sitemap Generator

A sitemap tool bundled right into your Web Site Control Panel

If you have recently launched your web site and want it to get indexed quicker by the the major search engines, or if you need to offer your users a rapid way to browse through all your pages, you’ll need to employ a sitemap. Sitemap is known as a a listing of all the web pages on your site that are linked to. Normally, you’ll have to rely on 3rd party applications to deliver the results, however with Inspired Journey Hosting, you can find a Sitemap Generator integrated straight to the Web Site Control Panel.

The Sitemap Generator you will find is in fact easy to use and since it’s entirely suitable for our cloud shared hosting platform – your site will be examined fast.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Hassle–free location–based redirections

Our company offers a straightforward application, which will enable you to filter the visitors to your web site based upon their country. For instance, using the GeoIP re–direction instrument, you can easily send all of the visitors coming from Spain to the Spanish variant of your web site if you have such. This can help you focus on your users a lot more accurately and supply them with the onsite experience they expect to have.

No exclusive capabilities or special comprehension are required to work with the GeoIP redirection instrument, and you will no longer need to use .htaccess files to do the job.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Display the latest news within your web site

What’s RSS? RSS can be described as a technology for distributing and collecting information. It’s being commonly used by media web sites, private weblogs, bulletins, and so forth. The submitted content is readily gathered by a feed reader and then shown to the user. Employing RSS, clients can easily get hold of news from a number of sites and read them in a single location.

With the RSS News tool, you can easily incorporate media feeds from some of the world’s most well liked news outlets and present them on your own website.

RSS News