When using the PHP Framework Installer incorporated in the Inspired Journey Hosting Web Site Control Panel, you can quickly install a fresh PHP framework for your brand new enterprise. You don’t have to look for the newest variant of a framework and furthermore waste time installing it. Everything you should do is just select the location of your PHP framework and afterwards click the Install button.

Numerous frameworks on hand

Kick–start your online enterprise by employing a framework

You can find a wide variety of PHP frameworks on the web that are rivalling to provide the very best platform for your personal web sites. Our PHP Framework Installer incorporates some of the more well–known and commonly used PHP frameworks: CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, and YII.

All these frameworks may be installed with a mouse click and is modified to the most recent stable release constantly.

Various PHP frameworks available

1–click PHP framework set up

Your PHP framework is only a click away

Installing a PHP framework can be tough and complex, because you must make sure you get the most recent stable edition and also have abilities to configure it all on your own. With our PHP Framework Installer, we strive to solve this difficulty. The Installer will let you set up an entire PHP framework in just a minute, with no additional setup necessary.

We have attempted to streamline the set up procedure as much as possible. All you must do is notify the Installer just where you want the PHP framework to be configured and our clever system is going to do everything else.

1-click PHP framework installation

1–click data backup

The easiest way to back up a framework

If your information is online, an effective way to safeguard it is without a doubt by keeping a backup. We provide you with periodic data backup for every one of the shared hosting accounts. Having said that, if you’d like to be in full control, it is possible to back up your frameworks at any time. We’ve developed an intelligent system that enables you to generate a backup with simply a click of the mouse.

There’s no limit for the amount of backup files you can create or how often you can create them. All of the backups will be stored in a folder inside your account. So long as you have available space, you can make as many brand new backups as you need.

1-click backup