Domain Backorder in Shared Hosting
We offer a domain name backorder service with all of our shared hosting solutions and you'll be able to employ it from the Hepsia Control Panel. For your convenience, you will be able to arrange the list of domain names which you see by their extension, exact deletion date and length, so you will not need to browse through thousands of domains to discover whether an appropriate one will be available in the near future. You can also look for a certain word or a phrase in the domain list. If we're able to register the required domain name for you, it'll be listed together with all other domain names that you have here and you'll be able to control it just as effortlessly. We offer this service at very competitive prices compared to other registrars and in case we are unable to obtain a domain for you, the cash will still be available in your account, so you'll be able to use it for other domain names or internet hosting services.
Domain Backorder in Dedicated Servers
A domain name backorder section is available inside the billing Control Panel of the dedicated servers that we offer as we are a licensed registrar company. The service will enable you to find good domain names without signing up for some other platform and you shall be able to place an order with just a click. All domain names which will be deleted in the following days will be listed in that section and you'll be able to set various filters to narrow the list and browse only domain names which interest you - minimum/maximum length, the deletion date, extension, etcetera. Also, you'll be able to browse only domains that contain dictionary words or ones which contain a phrase that you enter, thus saving the time and efforts to go through a large amount of random names. If you order a certain domain name and we can't register it, we'll credit your account and you will not lose your funds.