Mailing Lists
What's a mailing list? How can making this type of list help both your site and your business in general?
With a mailing list, you’re able to send the same email to a number of users at the same time. The list is a collection of their email addresses, so when you send a single email to the mailing list’s email address, – for example, it’ll be re-sent automatically to all the subscribers momentarily. Usually, users need to subscribe to such a list, but sometimes e-mail addresses can be included manually too, based on the program that is used to manage the mailing list. You can use the feature to touch base with potential or current customers and to send them notifications, brand new offers and other sorts of info on a periodic basis. This will prove your commitment to stay in touch with them and will boost the popularity of your site.
Mailing Lists in Shared Hosting
Every shared hosting that we’re offering will allow you to create multiple mailing lists and to administer them easily. You can select the mailbox that will be associated with the mailing list and that will be used to send out emails. You can select an admin email address and password too. The Majordomo software application that we employ offers numerous attributes, so you can authorize or remove subscribers, see a list of all existing members, and so on. You will be able to get a full list of all presently available commands and functions if you send an email message to with the word "help" in the message body. Adding or deleting an electronic mailing list is also easy and requires only several mouse clicks in the Email Manager section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel.