Memcached is a popular distributed memory object caching system, which can accelerate the loading speed and the performance of your sites considerably if they use a database or an API. This is accomplished by caching the requests to the database/API and the replies that are returned, so when a visitor conducts a search for some product on your site, for example, the database will not have to be accessed to return the results and the whole task will be completed noticeably quicker. This goes for all kinds of database-driven apps and not only for e-stores, as anytime a particular web page is visited, the app sends a query to its database to get the data that should be shown. With Memcached, not only will your site load significantly faster, but it will also produce much less load. If any data in the database is modified, the cached responses will also be updated, so the website visitors will not see any outdated information.

Memcached in Shared Hosting

The Memcached distributed memory caching system is available as an upgrade with each shared hosting that we are offering and you will be able to start using it once you add it, as the extension that it needs in order to function properly is already available on our leading-edge cloud platform. You can request the upgrade from the Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with each hosting plan and a brand new Control Panel section where you can administer Memcached will show up. The upgrade is subdivided into two parts – the number of instances and the memory, so as to give you more versatility. The first one refers to the number of the sites which can use the Memcached caching system, while the second one, which is available in increments of 16 megabytes, determines the maximum size of the content that can be cached by the system. A popular Internet site with a very large database may need more memory in order to take an even greater advantage of the Memcached caching system, so in case you would like to upgrade this feature, you’ll be able to do it at any point with a few clicks.

Memcached in Dedicated Servers

If you acquire one of our dedicated servers and if you pick Hepsia as your hosting Control Panel during the signup procedure, you’ll get the Memcached memory caching platform by default and you can set it up for each website that you host on the server without installing or upgrading anything. It will start storing information as people open your website, so you will detect the result of using it soon thereafter. The minimum amount of system memory that will be available to the Memcached caching platform is 3 GB and normally, the more powerful the dedicate server plan, the more memory Memcached will have at its disposal. This amount will permit you to take advantage of the platform for lots of websites or for an extremely popular website without weakening its effectiveness. The Memcached platform will permit you to improve the load speed of any database-driven website very quickly – a Joomla portal, a WordPress weblog, an OpenCart store, etcetera, and to optimize the overall performance of your dedicated server.