Managing your own hosting machine might not be very easy and in some occasions it could be extremely frustrating, particularly if you don't have much experience and you aren't sure how to proceed in certain cases. The server has its own Os and processes running on it, which means that you might need to deal with matters which you haven't encountered with a standard shared web hosting package deal where the company handles the hosting machine maintenance while you manage only your web content by using a hosting Control Panel. In the event that some service stops responding, for example, or some process start overloading the machine, you shall need to take measures to restore the proper operation of the server. In case you have not dealt with such situations in the past, you'll be able to employ the Monitoring & Rebooting function, which is part of our optional Managed Services upgrade pack.

Monitoring and Rebooting in Dedicated Servers

You can use the Managed Services upgrade with any one of our dedicated server services and you can include it to your plan with several mouse clicks when you subscribe or through the billing Cp. Our system admins will enable a number of automated internal checks that will keep track of the system processes on your machine and will guarantee its constant operation. If any program consumes an excessive amount of memory, uses too much processing time and affects the whole hosting machine or has simply stopped responding, our admin team shall be informed right away and will take measures to restore everything within a couple of minutes. They can determine the cause of the problem and restart the server if this type of an action is necessary to eliminate a particular issue. If you use our admin services, you will save money and time as you won't need to monitor the dedicated server yourself or pay to another organization that can notify you about an issue, but cannot do anything to deal with it.