Server Side Includes
Discover just what Server Side Includes is actually and also how you can use it to enhance your sites.
Server Side Includes (SSI) is a basic server-side language, which allows you to incorporate text from a specific source within a website. In the most typical situation, the text from one file is integrated in a different one, providing a site the sense that it is dynamic. For example, in case your website is comprised of ten web pages, 5 of them can easily contain the content of some file, like horoscope.txt. As soon as you modify this text file, the updated content will come up on all of the five web pages, which will enable you to bring up to date your site much easier than if you had to modify a part of all 5 pages. Server Side Includes is sometimes used to include the output of basic commands, scripts or functions as well - a hit counter that's displayed on the site, the present date and time or the visitor's IP address. Every web page that works by using SSI must have a particular extension - .shtml.
Server Side Includes in Shared Hosting
Since our unique cloud hosting platform offers Server Side Includes on a global level, it is possible make use of this function with any of the shared hosting plans that we offer and add dynamic content to your sites with just a few clicks. SSI can be enabled for each specific domain name or subdomain by placing an .htaccess file in the site folder with a few lines of code. Naturally, you do not have to turn into a developer for that because the needed code can be copied from the Help post we have concerning Server Side Includes. If you want to use this function for your website, you have to rename your site files from .html to .shtml plus you've got to double-check if all links on your website point to the up-to-date names.