SMTP, which stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is the software that allows you to send out e-mail messages from your email addresses. Without this, you won't be able to use email applications or webmail. After you send a message, your SMTP server creates a connection to a DNS server to determine where the e-mails for the recipient domain are handled. Then, it creates a connection to the remote mail server and exchanges information. If the recipient mail box is accessible, your server sends the e-mail to the receiving POP/IMAP server and the latter brings that message to the particular mailbox in which the receiver can access it. If you'd like to be able to send e-mails, you should always ensure that the website hosting company offers the service with their plans. Even if you make use of online form that visitors use to contact you, you still require an active SMTP server for your hosting account for the form to work.

SMTP Server in Shared Hosting

When you've got a shared hosting plan with our company, it is possible to send email messages through our SMTP server working with any e-mail application and any device. The service is accessible with our packages automatically, not on demand or as an optional paid add-on. You will be able to send email messages from everywhere using our webmail or maybe an email application of your preference. The SMTP server also makes it possible to use contact forms on your Internet sites by simply incorporating the server name and your e-mail in the form code, so you will not need to do anything whatsoever more complex than that to get a PHP mail form to work. You can find the necessary SMTP settings inside the Emails area of your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel along with detailed help articles for preferred desktop and phone email clients that will allow you to resolve any problem if you're not able to send out emails for some reason.