Website Manager in Shared Hosting
Our shared hosting feature a highly effective Website Manager tool where you can access everything associated with your web presence easily and quickly. The tool is part of our custom made Hepsia Control Panel and provides a very easy-to-use interface, so you will not have any issues even if you're constructing your first site and you have never had a website hosting account before. You will find a list of all the domain names hosted inside your account and by clicking on each of them, you shall see a variety of quick-access buttons for pretty much everything. With simply a few clicks, you shall be able to check out and change the WHOIS info if the domain is registered through our company, to access the website files for it, to create a new database or to install a script-driven app. You can even create a new FTP account, check out site visitor stats, and a lot more. All of these options are accessible conveniently in one place.